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x Bonjour Little Kittens x   Number 1 -ReadNDie - x

member since 15 August 2011

x Bonjour Little Kittens x

Hey/Bonjour everybody :) . I'm Shannen ( swedish name please don't judge haha ) , I'm 16 and I wanna make a magazine here .Well I'm watching this site for a long & real time so I think I know enough to be able 2 write news about it . Hope you'll have fun & if you have news and stuff like that please imbox me , it would mean alot .xx Shannen ♥

Comments • 6

BeautyQueen 16 August 2011  
Hei . <3
xDulceLocuraxD 15 August 2011  
hey babe ♥ nice name
- i'm sadonia :) i hope you'll make more numbers
not like other magazines. :)
some of them make just 5 number. <3
#iWillReadIt :) xx Promiise
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